By the guppy
Date: 2002 Jun 02
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Merlin Feldmund chewed methodically on a blue Bic ballpoint pen.  The motion helped to coax previously unassembled thoughts into coherent order.  He had learned much about the science of communicating with the socially apathetic beings he was so often surrounded by, but he seldom felt that it was a worthwhile endeavor.  He had learned little of the art of discharging feelings through words.  And so, many small teeth marks were appearing on the clear plastic tube.  What flowed from his mind did so like thick lukewarm tar.  With mechanical precision he arranged the sticky globs onto paper.  He felt awed by the ejaculatory prose that true romantics smeared across their pages.  Awed and annoyed.  Through his communications he had also learned that annoyance leads to apathy, that apathy leads to selfish empathy, and selfish empathy leads to true happiness some of the time, and social phobias the rest of the time.  Liquid paper.  The final draft:

Dear Dolores,

My pen is all chewed up and it's your fault.  I am all out of liquid paper and it's your fault.  I am going to ask for a raise so that I might be able to afford new pens and more liquid paper so that we might continue this affair.  

I Adore You,