By Jon
Date: 2002 Jun 26
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just got home from
a night out on my own
spent the day walking around
the local mall
noticed a few stares here and there
talked to that girl
at the earing store
i pretend to look at earings
she sits there waiting for me
to ask for her number
i almost build up enough courage
and lose it all at the end
and leave as she says "keep in touch."
bought a few bundles of clothes
at a few of the mainstream clothes stores
Gap, Anchor Blue, Old Navy, you know the type
flirted with the girl employees
had them dress me up
some followed me into the dressing room
we had our fun
i get home
few hours later
roomates arent here yet
i can use the computer
but more importantly the internet
and it's all to myself
i enter a AOL chat room
drop in the usual line of
few girls instant message me
they ask me for a picture
i ask them if they have one
we trade
they tell me im cute
ask for my cell phone number
i dont give it to them
already got what i wanted from girls today
as selfish as it sounds
i just needed to hear
a girl other than my mom
tell me
that they think
im cute