By Jon
Date: 2002 Jun 29
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Feel the genuine pain in my words
Feel it and take it in
And know that this is my
battle against myself and
not your own
Know that I have shed an ocean
of tears
And will shed many more
throughout my life
Some will be shed for you
Some will be shed for those long gone
But know that I will never ask for you
to dry my eyes for me
I ask that you try to understand me
all of me
the me you don't see
in the light
but only in the dark
I was never good
at writing deep meaningful poetry
with multiple layers
and different meanings
and I never will be
I'm usually blunt and
pretty straight forward
with my writing
and im not about to pretend
that i can write anything deeper
than what im capable of
im just asking that
once i reveal who i
really am
you consider staying