By prezioso
Date: 2002 Aug 04
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Could You Ever

Could you ever look to the scattered sky,
pick a star that twinkled in thine eye.
And know aside a boundless sea in thy heart,
I gaze on the same flickering star that thou' art.

Could you ever stand aimless in the darkest room,
and know where I lurk with a heart that did not assume.
Knowing that place where tingled lips await;
answer their call with no thought to hesitate.

Could you ever in an infinite garden where roses live,
pluck the very rose that my heart would pick to give.
Feel the very prick as I, from the same stubborn thorn;
and beyond the trail of trickled blood,its you I have adorn

Could you ever pretend just as I,that we are still together
living in a dreamt pardise, where birds fly forever.
rivers and seas find calmness,the moon loses no luster
and there, live with me forever, with devotion so great,
one could never muster.