By Cyan
Date: 2002 Aug 14
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Shades of Myself

In revealing light I display
various textures and tones.
Sometimes intriguing and
otherwise obtuse, but always
complex. I rise happily and
sleep regretfully. Regret
stemming from the uncertainty
of rising happily.

I love life and hate it at the
same time. I need someone
to withstand the different
colors of me. Gregarious in
some moments, but in others
I may paint myself into a
corner and close the world away.

Anger is not a novelty to me.
I become furious on various
occasions, and frowns become
common place on a young, fair
and pliable face.  

A man willing to accept my variation
is a man of great substance and
character. For I know I am a hard
pill to swallow. And if he may ask, I  
will by no means hesitate to add one
more color to the shades of myself.