By aka Tick Bitterford, PhD
Submitted by Inflatable Sushi
Date: 2002 Aug 30
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I Can Move Farther Than You la lala la!

(here goes)

the jeep in the story is no more
new wheels, new maps, new tunes
instead of trading it in,
i drove it out in the country and
blew the fuck out of it
beaten and burnt to a toast
made it a party, a kind of emancipation
(not from you, from it)

bought another collection of paint-by-numbers
now i have 147 of 'em
23 of them are classic vintage nudes
i did a "last supper" p-b-n and reversed all the colors and added some mirrored tiles and then left the jesus in the center unpainted...just the numbers on white canvas
it looks pretty cool

i quit my job
in a month the madness ends
and i will be celebrating my birthday
happily living in the city of angels
while a bunch of god damned independent filmmakers make another whole damned load of shit back here

i can't-fucking-stand goddamned "independent filmmakers"
                                   most of it fucking sucks
and most of them are definitely NOT filmmakers
more like ignorant asses
(i recommend a hearty double feature of
fucking wannabee pains-in-the-ass
actually, i'd like to smack their parent's fucking asses
fire up the bowl again, sonny
talk to me in twelve years

kind of a cool article, wasn't it?
        made my momma cry
(she knows what the next big story is gonna be...)
it made me look heavier than i am
            187 lbs of white hot light
now perhaps you understand how i knew about new years eve
and a glass that will always be half empty
ah, young benjamin (and our muse, mary jane)
it will always amaze me just how well-informed my
         informants kept me          
about you

stupid was as stupid did, you wouldn't know a good thing if it kicked you in the ass

my eyes and ears are everywhere in this town
in this town,
you are living in
my world,
my reality
i am metaphysically untouchable
in this town
you (and the others) are just visitors
in my town, baby
you should act more respectful
and now
you can have it-
(along with all the dicks and dykes and dorks)
quite a little confederacy of dunces we have here, no?

gambling on the promise of a future that is simply un-wise
more like

the girls are fine
they are looking forward to the drive
they miss you
they miss us

you underestimated me
bad move, baby