By Bridget O
Date: 2002 Aug 31
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i feel something,
i know i do because i can feel it.
At least i feel something at least i'm not numb anymore,
i can feel sad and i can feel angry and i can feel happiness every once in a great while now a days so i know i'm feeling something.

what if i was feeling things all along but was too numb to actually tell?

i don't like this thing i'm feeling because it's not distinct enough to pin point it.

but it's there. it is. maybe my feeling is a mixture of feelings maybe my feeling is something no one's felt before.

maybe it's just depressed. maybe it's a depressed form of lovesickness and loneliness and numbness.
maybe not.
maybe i feel like every other person on the earth.
if i do there's something wrong with this earth.

but i think it's more of something wrong with me personally. I'm just sick of this feeling

this lonely




feeling i'm feeling.