By it dosent matter
Date: 2002 Sep 03
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of ka...

of ka (B&B #6)

of ka
it is said to be a force
but more to the point
it is a knowledge of forces
for masters of the art of fight
when in a battle to the death
will stand for long moments still
not a breath of movement
though their fight had begun long since
in their knowledge of each
and what each play of muscle portends
the actual fight should it come to be
will be vicious and brutal
and over
in a pass
a part
one clean stroke
one is met with death
of ka
consumed to be consumed
by that which devours is devoured
and of ka that humans know
life to an animal is all
where a human might reconsider
back off
an animal lives to consume
consumes to live all
in her eyes he was consumed
even as he devoured her with his
of each their every movement was known
by the animal each did share
were they human
when both did finally meet
eye to eye
one might have backed off
saved them both
but an animal awoken
sought to defeat a hunger
one that never may be appeased
and as it consumed was consumed
devoured was devoured
a cycle to never end
these two met in perfect stride
knowin as they fed
how the other would move
what breath they would take
what each thought unspoke
passed as their muscles played
walking side by side
a perfect ballet
as neither thought to hide
the animal held within