By Jon
Date: 2002 Sep 08
Comment on this Work

when you should

im a jerk
a liar
an idiot, a moron
a (fill in blank with curse words)
i dont see why
you dont understand that
yes we are friends
yes i do love you
and, yes, you do love me
but im sorry
i dont see you that way
stop telling me im such an angel
that im the perfect guy for you
that you love everything about me
because i know it's a lie
you're seeing things that arent there
or maybe you should have wanted me
back when i wanted you
dont complicate my life any further
i'm happy with her
yes, happy, truly and honestly happy
how dare you think
you even have the right to disrupt that
yes we would be great together
sounds nice to say
sounds good on paper
but in reality it just
wouldnt work out
you want parts of me
i dont want to share
and i wanted parts of you
you couldn't bare
so please leave
if you know what's good for you
i love myself enough today
to tell you
how much i hate you
for not hating me
when you should