By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Sep 27
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Danny-I forgive you

Danny..I forgive you
Why did I wait so long?
Why has all the pain just remained..instead of disappearing?
I want you to know, that I am ready for you to be a part of my life

Now is the time when i need guidance, direction
Maybe in some odd way, what happened to me, was meant to happen so that I can go on my path for the future
I want to be a prosecutor to protect all the children who have been harmed like me
Are you ashamed of what happened or are you ashamed of me?

It hurts to think that you can't even look in my direction
and that you don't care enough for my welfare to make sure that I have money for school
It really upsets me that you don't see that i am a part of you
that no matter what happens that you are still my father

Although, I may never fully trust you or other men for that matter
I keep telling myself that what happened was a mistake, and that you had other factors interfering with you
I am praying that you have turned yourself around
and that you have opened your soul to God, for him to correct your past failures

Why does your wife insist on hurting me?
She stands to gain nothing from trying to make me appear small
It only makes her out to be an idiot
which is fine by me, I would accept an apology from her, if she were big enough to give me one

I want you to be at my college graduation, there to show your pride for me
I would like you to be a small part of my life, you are a part of my history
but you are also a part of me
the stories i've heard about you convince me that we would get a long

I can't promise that it would comfort me to have your arms around me while I cried
that the touch of your hand, wouldn't make me ill at first
but i'm willing to try, if you are
I'm willing to extend a friendship to you, if you're willing to put forth an effort

this is something that has to be done
I deserve the opportunity to have a father once, and not feel like an outcast
not to be ashamed of actions that were not even partially my fault
I deserve a chance to be known for the person that I am

Do I ever cross your mind?
Does my birthday hold any significance for you?
Danny- I am going to be 21 this December
December you realize that that would mark your 24th wedding anniversary?

I am all grown up now
YOu missed my childhood, my nightmares, even my dreams
all the choices in my life I have made on my own
without help from you, or from anyone

I am a very responsible person, in fact, sometimes a bit too responsible
I am a member of Alpha Sigma ALpha--who has taught me to aspire, seek, attain
and I am headed to law school next fall
finally, I am not a liar--you and I both know that

I am your daughter, and I will always be
I don't want to never get to know you, so that I can live the rest of my life with regret and with what might have been
I want to get to know you, and make you a small part of my life
I've forgiven you, what happens next?

Will I get my life back?
Will the fear of men finally subside?
Can I ever fully trust someone again?
Will my innocence come back?

None of this can happen
It's so unfair that with one small, stupid action, you have harmed me so much
and that every day the wound remains
it seems so contradictory, that i tell you that i've forgiven you, yet tell you how much you've hurt me

but it is only fair that you know
if you apologized to me, that would make things better
let me see the person that my mom knew when she fell in love with you
show me that you actually consider me like a daughter, not a horrible demon