By wolfscreamer
Date: 2002 Sep 28
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Saturday night and once again its me ,wine and my screen. Out there in the lights of my town people are gathering together, strangers all , just hoping for the magic.We all hope for the magic, the magic that could change our lives, the magic that can make us smile on a wet Monday morning at 6 am when the alarm goes off.What is the magic I hear you ask, mmmm do you need to ask? The magic is the smile that starts off a romance,starts off a dance, or just starts off a conversation.The magic is someone who in the madness of Saturday night is ready to make you their point of interest despite the insanity around them , despite the friends trying to drag them to another watering hole, despite the asshole who just grabbed their ass while passing by.The magic is friends saying Hi but walking on not to interrupt and grabbing other freinds who are not so bright.The magic is finishing your drink the same time so you can buy her another even though you don,t usually drink that fast.The magic is still chatting when you hear the horrible CAN YOU FINISH YOUR DRINKS PLEASE.The magic is the way she holds your hand when you leave.The magic is the first kiss as you wait for her taxi home.The magic is when she says do you live close.The magic is walking home with a stupid smile on your face ( and her hand holding yours).The magic is knowing you changed the sheets that morning and put the toilet seat down.The MAGIC is yet to come.