By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Oct 07
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UP it all comes

Up it all comes
solid or liquid, good and bad
I feel it collect at the back of my throat
and I spit it out, gently, quietly, with ease

Why did I just do that?
is it because I'm lonely, because I'm worried
my whole life seems to be going wrong right now
how do i collect all the shattered pieces and put it back together again?

It was everything that I had eaten in the past 3 hours
from pizza rolls to a burrito, to life cereal
what an ironic name for a cereal
symbolically, i am throwing my life down the

Morbidly, i find this whole situation to have made me feel better
for a brief second i was in touch with my body
in touch with my pain, and i felt it flood up
and leave my body as quickly as it came

Why do i feel now like I just completed the biggest sin
yet when I step on the scale, i can't help but smile
i am rid of all the excess food i just consumed
now I am free, in control, and a good person

it's funny how mia convinces you that if you don't get rid of all the 'bad stuff' you eat that you're bad
that if you for once don't use a laxative 20 lbs will instantly pile on you
that your pants will no longer fit
and that the masses will no how little self-control you really have

what pisses me off more than anything are the people who spread rumors about me
stop it, i have more horrible luck than you, i've gone through enough, leave me alone
I can't take it anymore, instead, i just end up punishing myself
for unforseen sins

Why do i feel like such a huge sinner on days like today?
why is my appetite unsatiable, why does my mind feel like its running a marathon without my permission
once again..i've decided to stop this madness
it gets me nowhere, and eventually i end up feeling worse, and having to repeat this losing cycle