By Stephen
Date: 2002 Oct 27
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Kissing Memories Goodnight

I left the light on at the door.
And forgot how happy things used to be.
There were times such as thus;
they gave me hope,
but neither tries succeed.

I was romantically unasserted
to people out my door.
They take my mistakes,
play it caricature,
And pilfer down rewards.

Yet I hurt more or less
when your times revisit me;
about sweet things said,
implying low standards,
like passive misery.

I think: "there will never be
one quite such as thee,
I'm lost without you,
I'll never be whole without you.
So don't you see?

Hard enough finding
a person who loves me;
a perfect one like you,
a person of qualities.
And with botchery

that makes one rare as you
ever so sweet to need."
I'm alone again this evening,
flicking the lights off on trained chore,
forgetting how happy I used to be

embracing you
by the door.