By Violet
Date: 2002 Dec 05
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weekday mornings

each morning i roll into the empty space
i curl my arms around your pillow and burry myself in its folds
i listen to the rush of the shower and the hum of your razor
the cats dance around your feet, meowing for attention
i keep my eyes shut tight to the early morning
sometimes you start the dryer and its loud whirring makes me restless
your footsteps drum the linoleum in our tiny kitchen
and then i hear your steady south paw scribble a note for me
on occasion you'll return to the bedroom
i can always feel you staring at me as i struggle to sleep
you reach down and tuck me tightly into the blankets
sometimes i am too hot, and it makes me angry
you bravely lean close to kiss my forehead or stroke the hair away from my eyes
and then you take your red helmet and your black bag and leave
the door locks behind you to keep me safe
and every day when i finally rise, the cats bid me goodmorning, and i can smell your cologne in their fur
that always makes me miss you