By Walking Contradiction
Date: 2002 Dec 10
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The Non-Affair And It's Jealousies

You're jealous because I shared a dance
With a man younger than you, older than me,
Not surprisingly as I'm barely an adult
Not quite a girl, mature for my years,
That's what you like.
Sugar coated old lady, who drives you insane with lust
And a little conversation,
Just enough to keep you hooked.
Yet every night you return to you wife,
Of how many years I do not know, as we don't talk about her,
Or us, or this situation, whatever it is,
All I know is I've done something wrong, and you're punishing me,
By taking away your smile which I wear so well,
And you tell me you're jealous and it's my fault,
You think I only did it to get back at you for not coming,
But I didn't, I did it due to alcohol, it meant nothing,
But so what if it did?
You can go home every night and fuck your wife,
Yet I'm not allowed a dance?
What's going on with us anyway???!