By Walking Contradiction
Date: 2002 Dec 14
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You Never Promised To Be Honest (When You Never Said A Word)

I needed to rant, to vent
You were so intent on disguising
Whatevers inside that
Bombardment of barbed wire
Where you conspire to deceive
Should I believe
What you're now saying
Which is nothing
You're just playing
Not quite touching;
And I say sorry
When I shouldn't
But I do it
Because you couldn't
And then I find out
What I knew
And I want to yell at you
But you never promised
To be honest
You never told it how it was
And now I'm holding onto nothing
Simply just because
There may be a chance
You'll get your act together
From that dance, before forever
But you never promised
To be honest
When you never said a word.