By Michael Bugeja
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2002 Dec 14
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The Revisionist: On Original Sin

To have a woman who loved you once, who held you
In high regard as if you were a god
Mounted on bedrock in a temple,
The temple of beauty, or truth,
Who looked into your eyes as the gypsy looks
Into her glass and sees the future
Until your eyes become that future,
Blue or green or black or brown-
Fertile colors-water, seedling, mineral, soil,
As if she were planting time
Certain something would grow
She even revised the seasons,
Eliminated autumn and winter,
Lengthened summer and spring
So that life was blossom and bud, bud and blossom,

To have her who loved you once, hate you now,
To hold you in disregard,
To topple the temple god,
To look into your eyes as an archer looks
Into her scope at the spiral
Black hole and sees the past
Until your eyes become that past
Out of which nothing grew-
Sterile colors-beetle, weed, shale, dung;
She would gladly put them out, pluck them
With thumb and forefinger like onion bulbs
As if she were uprooting time,
Eliminating summer and spring,
Lengthening autumn and winter
So that life is dark and dormant,
dormant and dark,

To have that woman who loved you hate you
Now is how Adam must have felt
When Eve told him to leave
The Garden after lying about the snake,
The seduction, the inevitable betrayal,
And when he would not,
How she stood there with Cain and Able at her side-
Part his/ part hers, their past/ her future-
And picked up the windfall apple,
The nearest weapon,
Taking a bite to the core as she wanted
To take a bite out of the core of his wormy heart,
And hurling it, then hurling another, and another,
Following him beyond the forbidden gates,
Until she, too, entered the world.

by Michael Bugeja

Bugeja, as you can see, is a great read. I highly recommend his book Millennium's End from Cadmus-Editions.