By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Jan 21
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What if...

What if we were truly meant to be
but fear of the unknown
kept you from your destiny
from true happiness

to live your tomorrows
expecting sadness and disappointment
is like staying underwater too long
and losing the ability to breathe

what if you are forced to move within the next couple of months
you would never know how much i could have loved you
how much i could have made your world a better place
or put another smile upon your face

what if never accomplished anything
it kept the person who was meant to win
out of the race
because the forecast called for rain

we can't live our lives based on what might happen
we can't stop believing for one second that our dreams are reachable
the supreme reality of the land
for the day we start saying what if and believing it is the day we stop living

i'd rather have you if only for a brief moment in time
then to lose you as another what if tragedy
a person who was scared to live
based on the probability of failure