By His Little Fullback
Date: 2003 Feb 02
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Blah, blah, blah...

Another day passes
Questions, doubts, frustrations
Thinking about the future
Everything that I want to do
What I need to do
How do I get there
From here to there
What path
Left or right
I didn't think it was going to be so hard
No one ever told me
They didn't warn me
But here I am...
All I have is what I see
What I can touch
What I can feel
And even then I still don't understand
I still feel overwhelmed
I see walls
But no rope to climb
I see the ocean
But I can't find a boat
I feel love
But I don't know how...
I am a mother
A wife
A sister
A daughter
A student
But how do I keep them all straight
One in one instant
And another the next
Today or tomorrow
All the days feel the same
Honestly I don't even...