By Jon
Date: 2003 Feb 10
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my own

i loved you once....

these feelings, even if they were never returned, are my own. an experience my heart will forever remember, something my heart can call its own. a love not born but made from the very fabric of my being and the stuff of life. this love i felt for you is and was my own.

You can leave me a million times but my love will never lose any of it's truth. you may be gone and out of my life, but my love is something you will never be able to take away from me. no matter the lies and the amount of your deception this love is something i can forever call my own.

a love sparked from the fires of my heart and realized from the touch of your lips, this love my darling will never be taken away from me. this love is something i can take with me for the rest of my life. what i do with it is also my choice. i can hold this love underneath a golden light or look back upon it with hurtful is my choice.

once...i loved you
and that love was my own..