By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Feb 20
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You're a Rollercoaster

Loving you is like riding a rollercoaster
only i hate rollercoasters
they make me sick to my stomach
and the fear of never getting off terrifies me more than anything in the world

Your words soothe my heart at times
but yet wound me others
you proclaim your love to me in one breath
and your utter disgust in another

how is it that your flaws appear so easily in me
that all my flaws appear effortlessly before your magnifying glass
while all your mistakes are so easily erased
as if by white-out

I know i'm not perfect
nor do I proclaim to be
but i'm sick of involuntarily playing king of the mountain with you
only to be lying on the ground with the air knocked out of me

no one can compete with your ego
you are far to skillful to compete with the likes of me
why are you so insecure
that you have to attack the person who loves you so much that they turn the other cheek to avoid hurting you

you are a rollercoaster
making me ill
hurting me
but most of all making me cry so much some days, i wish all this would just end

i've thought of getting off the ride known as your life
but who would be there for you then
should i even care
you knew when we met..that i promised no lies, no games, no pain

somehow i was the only one who kept that promise
you are the one who keeps slicing my old wounds
to allow them to bleed again and again
and causing me to cry without hesitation

why are you this way
what in your life has caused you to hate others so much
to be so bitter and jealous for the alleged advantages others hold over you
the privileges that only you've been denied

my life is no bed of roses
I don't want to compete against you
i only want to love you
and be loved in return

love shouldn't be a rollercoaster ride
some say rollercoasters are fun, thrilling
although, i've never ridden one
this is close enough to show me I don't like what I'm feeling

i never know what to expect from you the second you enter the door
will you be happy, appreciative of me
of put me down, disgusted by my inadequacies
do you know how many men long to have a loyal companion by their side

you say i've fucked up more than any one woman should
what bout you
you're the one who constantly puts me down
but doesn't let me offer excuses for my imperfections

i'm glad god has granted you the gift of perfection
that you are worthy of infinite praises
for just breathing everyday
and putting others down

are you suprised that you have no friends
that people avoid you like the plague
those who are loyal to you only get burned
and are left to suffer the scars for years to come

i've only known you for a couple of months
but already i wish i'd never met you at times
your good times are vastly overshadowed by your madness
i begin to wonder if your rollercoaster is laced with mental illness

you're causing me to go insane
making me a prisoner of my own apartment, existence, soul
you offer no relief
only more pain

either i need to get off mid-ride
and go against everything i've ever believed in
abandon you like everyone else
and never ask why

or you need to stop this and appreciate me for who i am
i'm reeling so badly from all the spiteful things you've said to me
that sometimes a razor blade sounds more friendly than your lips
and would comfort me more than you've ever been able to

but i'm not crazy, and if i have to leave you to ensure my sanity
then that's what i must do
and leave you behind for all eternity
and pick up the pieces of my shattered heart and soul

do you really love me or am i just the object of your sick posession
do you think you own me so much that you can abuse me at whim
i really hope that all my hurt is clouding my judgement
and that you haven't kept me blinded all this time

please let me get off this ride
hopefully with you by my side
i didn't lie when i said i loved you and i needed you
i just hope that when you promised me the moon you weren't lying either