By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2003 Mar 03
Comment on this Work


Did you invite me here to dance

To watch as the notes float in the air
taking one step forward
as you lead
and I follow
while the music played


did you invite me here to dance

while you watch
to see if I would take the lead
to dance an erotic dance
enticing you


to see if I missed a step
to watch me fall
to see how quick I would recover


if my guts would pour out on the floor
if I would lay helpless
without meaning or direction
as the dancers before me have


to build your ego
as you watch the dancers dance
getting lost in the music that you play
giving you control


I dance to a different beat
I dance joyfully
I dance gracefully
I do not miss a step
I do not fall


as you read the notes
floating through the air
let it build your ego


I twirl the twirls
dip the dips
and keep in step


this music is mine
and this dance is mine
for all to see

Thank you for the dance