By Dana
Date: 2003 Apr 13
Comment on this Work

A Slight Bit Of Remorse

you wanted us around for so long
you nagged and nagged until we gave in and moved for you
now you sit at home having your Sunday feast with your own little family
in your own little world without a recognizable thought as to what we're doing

it pains me to see you act as if you don't care
as just having us here is enough for you because you can see us whenever you want to
because of this irrational thought in the back of your mind, you never do,
you never make the effort

I know you wanted all of them here so you could be a 'family' again
but, did you ever think about what I gave up for your happiness
for the happiness you so deeply longed for
that you no longer even consider

I want you to know that I blame you sometimes
I blame you for my unhappiness, misery, and loneliness,
I know it's not really your fault
but, when I see that you are no longer interested in seeing 'us',
it truly hurts me to think I changed my whole world for you

when I see that you really don't care at all that I'm alone so often,
it truly hurts my soul
I thought you and I would have connected, would have bonded
you are just not selfless enough to think or care about my agony

if only you could know, if only you could understand the pain I feel everyday
if only you could see the sadness in my eyes
or the tear in my heart
then maybe you'd feel just a slight bit of remorse for all your bitter selfishness