By Dana
Date: 2003 Apr 23
Comment on this Work

role model

what's considered 
the best of the best for you?
what's considered overboard? 
i want to protect you
from the reality of life
keep you in a safe haven 
away from 
sex, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes
and too much television
hire the MSN butterfly 
to follow you around
trying to keep you from harms way
so you can live to grow old
with a wife, children and grandchildren
wondering if i'm sheltering you too much
will it all pay off?
am i doing all i can for you, now?
at this very moment?
i want to teach you well
i want to be a good role model
i have so many doubts
so much fear
strung across
shaping your whole existence 
molding you 
to the personality 
you'll expose