By Dana
Date: 2003 May 07
Comment on this Work

Still Pressing

The way for me to relieve myself
of the stress and anxieties 
in my life is 
to write.
The sad thing 
is that it seems like I'm writing 
all the time. I feel like I can't get a break.
I prefer to be distracted by your thoughts
or even my ambitions
but your thoughts don't come often enough
since I spend so much time alone
and my ambitions are too far away for me yet.
I feel like writing is my only way out
yet, I'm really not getting out from under
anything. When I put my pen down
everything that I'm trying to rid myself of
is still there. Still haunting me. Still knawing 
through my brain like a termite through wood.
I just can't seem to get with it anymore.
Sadness, it seems, has officially taken over 
my presence. Fear. Anxiety. Burdened. 
I'll never be able to put my pen down.