By Kindred_Spirit49
Date: 2003 May 29
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Time To Say Goodbye

Time To Say Goodbye

I hung tenaciously
to all of you that I could
as I slowly lost
bits and pieces of you
to your other life
......your new life
.... the one with out me

and when there was more of you in your new world
........than in my old one
I realized
that I had become another a burden
on your expectations .
I could feel us slipping...
slowly growing distant
just as you warned we might
but... I never once dreamed.... that we would

I gave you my heart, soul and love
and unconditionally
you wanted more.                                                        
...more than I could give
.......more than I had
now the pain occupies more of my life  
than does  our good times together
and the best of our memories
does not ease the ache  of losing you
as you discard what is left of me from the old
the pain and loneliness consume my life
and becomes a full time occupation
I realize with a quiet desperation

it is time for me to say good bye