By wolfscreamer
Date: 2003 Jul 10
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Online romance hmmmmmm.Rubbish right??.Maybe so,but online we can be our trueselves,ok we can lie,be super heroes, fighter pilots,live in luxury apartments,drive Ferraris, but whats the point.How sad it would be if our perfect mate was out there who liked US for US not what we pretend our lives to be.Sometimes we feel our lives are drab,dull,no-one would be interested, but out there are people who don,t want to ski down Everest, hot air ballon across Europe, row across the Atlantic in an upturned freezer.There are people out there who love sitting outside on a summers evening drinking cold beer or wine coolers, enjoy reading a book and explaining the funny bits when asked why they have turned purple with laughter or just enjoy snuggling on a sofa watching a chickflick (ME).I have had an online friend for many years now,shes been through a lot but came through it all smiling and if continents hadn,t divided us who knows what may have resulted.She is now happily married to a great guy who is now a friend also.Online romance??.Why not?