By SterlingRose
Date: 2003 Jul 14
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GRAPES in The Fridge

You came home late last night
I was already asleep
deep into dreamland.
Gently you rubbed my feet
caressed my thighs
curled into my form
close and warm
and joined my slumber.
In my coma -  I recall
your lips on  my cheek
as you slid beneath
the covers.
The hours fled
as we cuddled in bed.

Morning beckoned too soon
The sun tickled my nose
I crept down stairs
and  peeked into the Fridge
and to my surprise
I found grapes and canteloupe
my favorite fruits.
You remembered ....
And as tired as you were
on your way back home
late last night
you still took the time
to stop
and purchase treats
for me.
What a delicious way
for you to say
" I love you ".