By Meredith
Date: 2003 Jul 21
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My fingers glide effortlessly over your back
Softest skin ever
(although you would argue that mine is softer,
I'd have to disagree)
My eyes are so heavy
begging me to sleep
if I succumb to their desires I would be forced to stop
my fingers would no longer be awake
to graze your chest
your neck
your face
making a stop
to tussle your hair
before gliding back down
and around again
If I let my eyes close
when they open again
the alarm will be going off
(not just a normal alarm either
those crazy church bells
that grow louder and louder
the longer you ignore them)
you'll be swinging your legs over the side of the bed
rubbing your hand up and down your face
like you do when you're tired
and all you want to do is fall back
into the pillow
into me
If my eyes close
you'll be on your way to work
(not before I pull you close
and kiss you
until you tell me you have to go
that you're going to be late
and still kissing me after that).
So I think if you don't mind
I'll just keep my eyes open
as long as they'll let me
so I can touch you
just a little longer...