By Akash
Date: 2003 Aug 15
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Random thoughts 2

I was just thinking if silence and noise could stay together. If you listen to the noise of a car zooming by, the noise is not big enough for the silence to disappear, it feels like the noise is borrowing a brief period of the silence, it's like something is cutting through silence rather than silence just disappearing. Noise comes into silence and it goes out of silence, silence being there all the time. It's just that our concentration is so much on the noise that we don't see the silence that is always there. Completely opposite to that is when someone comes into out lives, they make some noise and when they disappear, we feel the void and the same void becomes a noise by itself not really understanding that we were in void before the person appeared into the silence of our life - that's probably because we never really wanted to live in silence.