By CordovaGirl
Date: 2003 Aug 18
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Nothing ever happened

Good friendship...two years?
Nothing ever happened.
Different religions, subtle hints,
My stubbornness.
So nothing ever happened.
Move to college? I decided.
He gets silent, indecisive.
Ask me to stay.
Yet nothing ever happened.
Emailing often, IMing more,
Miss me? TELL ME.
Nothing ever happened.

Talks less recent, visits less decent,
Call when I return? I do.
Nothing ever returned.
I'm sorry. You say.
Over the year, the girlfriend appears,
Congrats to you? I say.
In awkward converses, my love life emerges,
Congrats to me?  
Nothing ever said.

Now talks are barely, Emails never,
Nothing ever the same.  
Your fault? My fault?
Both, I think.
A little sad, a little mad,
Something must have happened?  
Oh well? You think.
...Oh wait, I thought.
Nothing ever happened.