By wolfscreamer
Date: 2003 Aug 22
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8 by 5,s

Last weekend I was flicking through my photo albums,just came across them as I was sorting out some boxes of the assorted garbage we seem to collect over the years.They contained pictures from black and white Box Brownie snaps, Polaroid Instamatic hold under your armpit snaps to pay through the nose to develop snaps.Strange we never realise that they tell the story of our lives from childhood to present day yet show only people smiling ,good times on good days.Photograph albums look like we all live in a smiley,happy world.We never see the bad days recorded for posterity in 8 by 5,s,no pictures of tears,no walking away snaps but then in our minds I guess we always have the movie footage,all in 3D technicolour with surround sound.