By sarah
Submitted by sarahsehee
Date: 2003 Sep 17
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I thought for so long, there might be a way.
I thought that if I was patient enough,
the distance would melt.

But what if there is no way,
what if time isn't the problem and what if distance isn't the only thing troubling us?

I look for strength in you and in us, but all I find is the air slowly disappearing and the distance between us growing.

Maybe we met at the worst possible moment and I wish that just maybe if I had met you ten years from now, it might've worked. It would've worked. And I could stop thinking, what if.

I think the only person I have now is me. And that I should get used to this. I know friendship is good, there's nothing wrong with friends. But I miss you, not only the friend, but the lover.

I miss you even though we're not a part when we are a part.