By wolfscreamer
Date: 2003 Sep 19
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Gold goes to ...

If falling in love was an Olympic event how would we rate our success I wonder.What would the qualifying distance be,sending her flowers,buying him a season ticket to his favourite football team,hmmmm tough one.Would the judges have to have been married for 30 years or more? Would there be random love quizzes? Would there be disqualification for those that failed the 5 year sprint? And the 50 year marathon jeez not a televised event I hope.I,ve won many Bronze medals which I guess if honest I haven,t trained much for,got through the qualifiers by some hard drinking and hours of practised chat up lines,ok sometimes I got a red flag but we get three goes remember.Bronze medal winners get to hold the medal in a variety of positions but have to give it back the next day after pulling up with an injury.Silver medal winners get the sunlight reflecting off the medal for maybe several months if they keep polishing it,revelling in the joy of holding something so precious and hard to come by.Gold medal winners? Wish I could say how they handle their medal but I,ve never been on the winners rostrum.I cleaned my running shoes and tucked them safely away now. Ah well I got a SILVER once.