By SterlingRose
Date: 2003 Sep 19
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Smooth as a Gravy Sandwich

It was just too smooth.
I still don't believe it.
And the funny thing is -
it keeps getting smoother every day.
That first night we met
was so incredible.
We couldn't have arranged it any better
if we had hired a catering service
to butter both sides of our bread
and put us together.
Isn't it amazing that from that day forward
we have never been apart.
We have seen each other,
every single day since then.
And it was just so smooth.
Like a gravy sandwich.
I think what made it so smooth,
was the fact that we never went through
that fire blazing stage that many couples do -
and then when it burns out,
they have nothing left
but a crumbling wick.
But we were different -
we started out with a luke warm fascination
for each other -
that seems to get warmer and smoother
with each passing day.