By wolfscreamer
Date: 2003 Oct 11
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The missing piece.

As a child I always enjoyed jigsaw puzzles,hundreds of pieces all different in small ways which if joined together would give you a prize,the picture on the box front a clue to what you would get if you persevered with the task ahead.Mum and Dad would help with advice to get you started,always get the edges first to give you a base to work from then from the clues each piece added gave you eventually you would end up with the full picture.Life I guess is much the same,we start in our childhood years putting the edges in place and as the years pass we add pieces accordingly.Much like in the puzzles we often find some areas trickier than others and spend forever searching for that one vital piece that will let us move on.Now and again we strike gold and large sections just fall into place.Sometimes after a particularly hard section we find we have put some wrong pieces in and have to start again, sometimes we get dis-heartened and we leave the puzzle for a while,occasionally we give up on the puzzle entirely and dismantle it.As life goes on all of us end up at the same area of the puzzle,we started from the edges in the early years,throughout our life we pieced together the nine hundred and ninety nine pieces that almost make make up the thousand piece picture.The last piece should be the easiest to put into place but often isn,t,for some of course it fits perfectly and the picture is complete.For others it fits but a second glance shows its a piece from another puzzle and doesn,t belong.For me the jigsaw will never be finished,you are the missing piece.