By Stephen
Date: 2004 Jan 13
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Tunnel Of ----?

We're horseback, trotting onward toward the semicircle sunset
Our said endless passage twisting ironically now to its conclusion
We traveled miles at year-speed, as a stalagmite's growth
My hands bleed and blister from the journey
And I look back with my pitch-adjusted eyes
It was so long in that cave, we were so far gone
Stumbling over with sandpapered feet
and edging on with apple sore knees
The maze was just so eager. Torn and jagged with complexity
We were in a love drunken wry
Guiding us like a sick little satanic homing pigeon
Further down a cavern covered in animosity
Angry drops of mineral water stereo to us, and only us
All pearl mucus dampening our lusts, draining along the ceiling walls
And when things around got too tightly narrowed,
We huddled together and were at times face first in the living rock
But we made it out, and we're supposed to now continue blind
Whilst the daylight does all but scorch our tiny minds' eye