By Kaylee WIlson
Submitted by Imaswimrok
Date: 2004 Jan 25
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I need a new place to go

I think I need a new place to go...
Just for a while...

A place where the sun doesn't shine.
A place where it rains all the time.
A place where there's fire all around.
A place whith tortured bodies on the ground.
A place where every plant withers.
A place where the strongest body shivers.
A place filled with hollow eyes.
A place with the blackest of skies.
A place full of unspeakable fear.
A place where sustenance is in a fresh tear.
A place that never possesess silence.
A place where entertainment is violence.
A place with screams that shatter the night.
A place with no hope in sight.
A place where every heart is drained.
A place where every muscle is strained.

This may seem like a hell-sort-of place...
But I can only go here to be rid of your face.