By letter from Brett
Submitted by rthoseflipflops
Date: 2004 Mar 09
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Words and Letters


    In the past few weeks, things in my life have been really crazy. I have
realized that these so called "relationships" are nothing but a big ball of
stupid shit. I dont want to live my life held down and Im 17   im not 23 and looking for a wife and kids. I just think
people get too carried away with their high school bullshit ya know not one
of them really knows what love is and i guarantee that. ya know all the
bullshit we've overcome makes us stronger than anything in the whole world.
I just want to get past this ridiculous high school stage and move on with
my life. You and i will,somehow, get together and be closer than ever when
we are older and ready to start our lives. Maybe the fact that we live so
far apart is making our relationship stronger because then we will neever be
sick of eachother or ne of that shit. We are gonna be ready to start our
lives the next time you and become close again. Lauren my love for you has
never hindered one bit.I still love you more than anything on this Earth and
thats from the soul... You hold the key to me, my heart, my emotions, and my
love. Lauren im sorry this is hurting you and i apologize greatly. Write me
back babe or i will have to hurt you. I love you so much! Muah!