By Ali
Date: 2004 Apr 19
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Slipped to Memory

I moved a strange grace, walking
Into the room as if you weren't there.
I almost believed myself, but then
I caught an old smile--once again,
I looked only to see you looking.
It struck me that the cycle stands still,
Undisturbed, as if the moment had yet to part.
Later, I remembered the limbo
In which we lie, deceptively aware,
And yet unaware of the shifting truth--
Each angle holds a different charm.
Politeness lingered on friendless,
But it wasn't meant to last--somehow
The song slipped to memory, pooling
In the unspoken silence, only to create
A heartfelt disaster.  It's all relative,
And incomplete--we're told that nothing
Stays the same, but it's merely the heart
Which oft refuses to know the change.