By Dana
Date: 2004 Apr 23
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This morning I started dreaming of our past;
remembering all the many natural fun times
we shared just takes my breath away.
I was suddenly brought back to times
when it was so easy to just have a romantic night;
we didn't have to schedule romance.
I love you as much as I did the day I met you
and I miss you.
Every night I look forward to the evening with you
after the kids are in bed...
and every night either one or both of us
is so tired from a hard day's work.
It makes me feel so guilty feeling so tired so often.
I just miss the romantic moments
that used to happen so often
at no particular time
and I just miss you so much.
It makes the romantic moments
even more special now.
I just wish we had more of these moments to share.
I love you so much
and I want so badly to be able to describe to you
how much you truly mean to me
and yet the words and actions are simply immeasurable.
I just miss and love you so much.