By it dosent matter
Date: 2004 May 09
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words used...

words used to caress the soul
fire deep heaven whole
your eyes... whispered so many times
so beautiful ... so very droll
for aint they such to withered heart
aint it ever seen so much
baby eyes was the last
one had told me of my sight
yet never would they truly look
for how hollow was the pit behind
and waited for me to play
games i have never reached
this what gone within a day
with a week sure to pass
another hates me so at last
for what they saw within my eyes
they finally find it truly lies
that within never was
yet will i watch them walk away
hidden so deep behind
this hollow that was
truth of what they saw the first
leaks from this corner of broken trust
and i still crave for one to see
the heaven that lies within
this discard what is me