By Influence
Date: 2004 May 23
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The Adorning of a Woman's Body

Skin so soft...a smooth layer cover thee
Thy make up is unique. Women of all description, colours of every nation...

Black Woman..your body paints the life you lived...the trials you've overcome...the sorrows you bore...

Caucasian, Chinese, Syrian, Japanese, Indian...all spectrums of the earth, strive daily with the pressures and burdens of this world...yet still, you hold on to survive...

You are the ideal model...mothers many of you are...
Your skin bears the mark of child bearing...

Youthful flesh of growth....these are the stripes that adorn thee...along your curves your buttocks, your legs, maybe even your stomach've survived! Beauty rare! black, some brown...scatter thy body, by dot...traces of sensuality touches your skin...

Thy hair, full, some long, some short, thin, grey, black, brown, blonde, urban, orange, even red too...your crown of glory.

Eyelashes and eyebrows,  curly, long, short...enhance the beauty of thy face; outlines the eyes and adds to it's attraction!
Your lips succulent; from it's abundance comes the grace and the wisdom of womanhood.
You are indeed a conqueror, a survivor!
You are virtuous and because of it, men shower you with praise, thy husband looks up to you, men adore you and God has blessed thee...for in you He poured His love to overcome many hardships...He has salted your tears and sweeten your words to cut out the sting of the backbiter's lash...
He has molded your body to perfection, you are a testimony of Him...
He has preserved thy body for generations to that you'll blossom the earth with fruit that will last!!!
Woman how precious you are! Love thyself...honour your bodies...Let no man defile you...
God has made you are His temple...

Woman of Valor he calls thee, which simply means, woman of God!

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL...for none can compare or liken themselves to you!!!
Precious are priceless like the rarest of gems, pearls, gold and all the fine and inexpensive riches of this earth!!!