By Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2004 May 27
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Maggie's conditional admission :| :( ;-) :)):

if I was smart and had some wisdom got
oh, I forgot, I should know, but I know not
who would have thought (I think I thought)
long ago, in learning-me, inside fought
the thought I might not have fallen :((((
for something sober-dumb :|:|:|:|
that drink and being hard-asp'd young :)
might have wisen'd me up and from...

but, instead I clung, (or toodled in, ahem)
to right is might, or this might be right=him
and quite lost my grip, slips for a night
in something he brung, hands wrung

lost my sense of sanity, sir: flung :)!!!
myself into finding there is a difference
wiring :(, plumbing :), running interference
:|, friends telling me right / wrong
learned that personal peace ain't possible
dealing with a raging or hormonal throng!

(ahem) my conditional admission, I guess
my only addiction is an affliction :( no less
called loneliness from all the above mess

yep, someone always has a better answer
or high steppin' around a 12-Step dancer:
Elaine got depressed, Rennie got cancer
and him, he got a shrink.... :? :? -- I think
and I've become A Muse Mint, Inc. :! :! :!

I'd confess to you more of what I think
but I've run out of ink ..... Maggie Mink :-)

(c) 2004 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca