Date: 2004 Jun 13
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Works nights and it kills me..
I watch him trudge to his car, his blue lunch bag in tow and blows me a kiss..
And as he turns away, I see the fatigue in his eyes.
Sometimes, I wish I could take the night away so that he wouldn't have to leave me..
So that I wouldn't have the spend the longs hours wishing for his slow, rhythmic breath on my nape..
But I can't do anything but wait patiently for the sun to rise..
And it kills me.

Makes me miss him so much it kills me.
God, is there even a day when I don't ache for him?
I miss him so much that at times, I am reduced to a useless heap on my couch,
listening to corny radio shows,
wishing that I wouldn't have to listen to Delilah speak of eternal love on my own.
But I can't do anything but wait patiently for the hours to pass until I see him again..
And it kills me.

Makes me laugh- and it kills me.
I'm so deliriously, pathetically happy.
He makes me laugh like no one in this world could.
He teases me in ways no one else in this world could.
And on this night, his laughter is the only lullaby I need to rock me to sleep.
In my mind, I hear his voice, his whisper, his gentle laugh..
And it kills me.

Makes me so happy it kills me..
What would I do if I ever lose him?
My heart wouldn't survive without its core, without the one person that makes it beat the way it does.
He is everything- my air, my nourishment, my life, my hopes.
And this night seems endless.
I sit here, with only this poem as my solace, and wait patiently for his call..
And it kills me.

Is my eternal.
And his love knows not of life or death.
It merely exists..
And sustains me..
Gives me reason..
Gives me purpose.
Even in the dark, endless night, even in my passing, I feel his love..
And it is life.