By Influence
Date: 2004 Jun 14
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I could...

I could write your words...I could read your thoughts as you speak, as you stay silent and as words pour out of your soul; your eyes speak volumes to me...

No sound is needed for I hear you loud and inspire me to write pages on end...a story that captivates my being as life emanates from within the depths of mortality, craving for substance and the essence to survive...I write your strife, your life...

I could speak your language as if it were taught to me, audibly, fluently and eloquently...I speak, the mystery of the unknown, mystifies the mind.

I have grasp your very thought pattern, your understanding...I have masked your footsteps...
Have I transformed myself to become identical to you?

Can you trace your identity and find me to be...YOU???

I can do all...some may call it the realm of the supernatural...Am I invincible,or so it seems to be...

I have done the impossible to prove my worth to you...Time can't hold me...nor can change elude me...for I am to be all that I can...liken unto you is the evidence thereof...

Of my very Existence!!!