By The Rocket Powered Vampire
Submitted by RocketPoweredVampire
Date: 2004 Jun 17
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My type of girl...

Why are you the type of girl I want to be with. The type of girl I find myself falling in a downward spiral leading down to nothingness concluding in happiness forevermore. Your smile, so deadly, pierce me, entrap me in the light that radiates from your beauty. Your body so perfect, no stains, no blemishes, I want to ravage you over and over and over again. Trace your body with nineteen lines with my tounge. You're perfect with your imperfections and lovely without loveliness. The way you hate me but love you at the same time looking at me with those eyes in lust and I am compelled to you. I know you're thinking the same. Thoughts in motion stray andother while creation daunts abouve how these two shouldn't have crossed paths. I remember staring at you while you went away, you felt me stare, I know you did or else you wouldn't have looked back and smile. I'll see you again...and when I do...these arms will be embracing the most beautiful creature God's mind would have ever created...