Date: 2004 Jul 20
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I didn't need to be saved.
I had it all figured out.
I got into university- I'm going to be a journalist, you know.
I drive the right car- Cadillac.
I have perfect hair.  I should be in a Herbal Essences commercial.
God can you picture me pretending to have orgasms on television?
My mother would have a heart attack.

So when you came along,
I just thought that you were another piece of the puzzle
that fit in my life.

You were sweet.
You were kind.
You were a badass in your own right.
And you love me.
No one's ever loved me the way you do.

I didn't even notice that you were
saving me from this pattern of self-destruction
I seem to fall back on every time
I meet someone sweet, and kind, and sort of a badass,
every time someone fell in love with me.

You made me stay.
You made me think that there has to be more
than taking the right courses.
Or driving a car that only 60 year old men oggle.
Or having the softest hair in all of Canada.

You saved me that day we met at church
and I was thinking to myself that I really shouldn't be there
because I'm not a very religious person
and I felt like a complete fake.

You became more than just another goal that I've achieved.
You loved me.
And I loved you.
I've never loved anyone the way I love you.
So you saved me from myself.
You saved me from the greediness that consumed my life.
Now it's not just about my degree, or my car, or my hair.
I'm thinking for two now.
You saved me.
Peter Parker, eat your heart out.