Date: 2004 Aug 25
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I Fell In Love with a Boy

Once, I fell in love with boy.
And I loved him so hard and so fast
that I had to close my eyes to keep my feet on the ground.

And so I loved everything that I couldn't see.
I loved the stories I used to hear about him.
I loved hearing how much he cried for me
when I left him.
I loved hearing how much he missed me
when I was gone.

I loved our plans for the future.
We would buy a farm
so our children can run around with horses all day long.
The thought of buying a ranch came to me
as I was driving in the country one day
and saw a little girl running wild with her pony.
I wanted the same for me, for my daughter.
And so he told me that he would buy me a farm someday.

I loved the tenderness I heard
in his voice each time I called.
And even though I couldn't touch him,
or look into his doleful eyes,
I heard the love in his voice
and it was enough.
During these times, he would tell me
that was waiting for me,
and that he was willing to wait a lifetime
for me to return.

I loved everything I couldn't see.

But then one day, I opened my eyes.
And what I saw broke my heart
for I had never really loved the boy.
In reality,
I had merely fallen in love with the dream.