By wolfscreamer
Date: 2004 Oct 01
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Ohio tears

As I write this I am looking out at a rainy Welsh valley on a Friday afternoon.Two months ago I was sitting in the backyard of friends in Ohio drinking a Bud Lite while practising the songs I was to sing at their wedding.I would often sit alone in the yard chair though they didn,t know and just listen to the crickets and smell the freshness of the air and feel the warmth and think "I don,t want to go home".While there the only tears were of joy at the wedding and on the day I had to leave.After all these years though I still miss you my heart no longer aches but seeing the happiness my friends had made me think of the last time I actually felt alive with someone,you,and that I miss badly.Even if someone is interested in me now I have no idea of the signs these days and I,m not sure I have anything any woman wants now so I guess I,m le fucked,pardon my French.I miss you but I know its the you from 20 years ago I miss,time to wake up and leave the past where it belongs,the past.
Easy to do ain,t it??